
Gun Runner DevLog #22

  1. Fixed game pausing sometimes on startup.
  2. Tutorial dropship appears immediately, although I’m going to remove the dropship from the tutorial completely in favor of something else.
  3. Removed the skill tree button from the HUD. Going to prototype giving the player 3 upgrade options at a time and letting them pick rather than having a skill tree. Under the hood it can still be the same code but how it’s presented is going to change.
  4. Fixed a bug where the tutorial would be in a funky state when restarting.
  5. Basic screen shake for enemy and dropship explosions. Need to work on this as it causes visible lines in between tiles.
  6. Editor support for multiple sounds for a gun.
  7. Variant sounds for machine gun, enemy explosions, enemy taking damage, and coin pickup.
  8. Support for kickback when firing weapon.
  9. Smoother camera movement that attempts to focus on the action.
  10. Basic “”card”” system that massively improves gameplay. Each “”deck”” specifies a sequence of card types and difficulties. A card matching the type and difficulty is randomly selected from the deck and played. Currently there are enemy and coin cards.
  11. Enemies can be spawned in patterns via card tab in editor.
  12. Flyers have vertical movement to make them more interesting.
  13. Slowed down player and enemies.